Happy Ganesh Chaturthi, Messages, Greetings, WhatsApp Status, Instagram Status: Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayak Chaturthi, is celebrated by worshipping the elephant-headed deity of the Hindu community, who is known as the foremost God to be worshipped before the start of any good deed. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated for 10 days starting from the fourth day of Hindu lunisolar calendar. From the very first day, clay-made Ganpati idols are installed by the devotees and the home is decorated like a bride. Every day, Pooja is done by chanting mantras and holy scriptures of Ganpati, distribution of Prashad is done after being offered to the holy God known as bhog. The tenth day involves bigger celebrations, in which, the Hindu deity is carried in a public procession with music and group chanting, whereby the idol is immersed in a water body-be it a river or sea. It is believed that Ganpati blesses the home with his presence for 10 days, and then he departs to his parents- Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes, Quotes, and SMS: Ganesh Chaturthi is also known as Ganapati or Vinayaka Chaturthi. This is a collection of some good wishes, quotes, and SMS which are used on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi this year. These Ganesh Chaturthi wishes can be used to send wishes or SMS over Whatsapp, Facebook or any other social media.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi, Messages, Greetings, WhatsApp Status, Instagram Status
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes, Quotes, and SMS: Ganesh Chaturthi is also known as Ganapati or Vinayaka Chaturthi. This is a collection of some good wishes, quotes, and SMS which are used on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi this year. These Ganesh Chaturthi wishes can be used to send wishes or SMS over Whatsapp, Facebook or any other social media.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi, Messages, Greetings, WhatsApp Status, Instagram Status
Aate bade dhoom se Ganpati ji,
Jaate bade dhoom se Ganpati ji,
Aakhir sabse pahle aakar,
Hamare dilon me bas jate Ganpati ji.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthy!!!
May the divine blessings of Lord Ganesh bring you eternal bliss.
Protect you from evil and fulfil your wishes today and always.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!.
Vakratunda Mahaakaaya Suryakotee
Sama Prabha
Nirvighnam kuru mey Deva Sarva
Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa
* * * Happy Ganesh Chaturthi * * *
Lord Ganesha is our mentor and protector. May He enrich your life by always giving you great beginnings and removing obstacles from your life!
May Lord Ganapathi shower you with success in all your endeavors.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.
I heartily wish Lord Ganesha filled your home with prosperity and fortune.
Best wishes on Ganesh Chaturthi!.
Intha iniya pon naalil
Vinayagar ungalukum ungul kudumpatirukum
Ella arulaiyum puriyatum
Iniya Vinayagar Chaturthi vazthukal!
Jay Shri Siddhi Vinayaka
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi: May Lord Ganesha comes to your house and take away all your laddus and modaks with all your worries and sorrows.
I wish u Happy Ganesh Chaturthi and
I pray to God for your prosperous life.
May you find all the delights of life,
May your all dreams come true.
"Happy Ganesh Chaturthi"
May Lord Ganesha Remove the Obstacles of your life;
Provide you with auspicious Beginnings;
Inspire you with creativity;
And bless you with intellect and wisdom!.
Aapka sukh Ganesh Ji ke pet jitna bada ho,
Aapka dukh unke mooshak jaisa chhota ho,
Aapki life Ganeshji ke sund jitni badi ho,
Aapke bol modak jaise mithe ho.
Celebrate Ganesha Chaturthi the Festival of Lord Ganesha. Spread the message of honesty and love through this world on this day when Lord Ganesha ascended on this earth to kill evil..
Mushikavaahana modaka hastha,
Chaamara karna vilambitha sutra,
Vaamana rupa maheshwara putra,
Vighna vinaayaka paada namasthe
Happy Ganesh Chaturthy!!!
May Lord Ganesha shower abundant good luck on you and may He always bestow you with His blessings!.
Ganesh ki jyoti se noor miltahai
Sabke dilon ko surur milta hai,
Jo bhi jaata hai ganesha ke dwar,
Kuchh na kuchh zarror milta hai
Jai Shri Ganesha
I wish you Happy Ganesh Chaturthi and I pray to God for a prosperous life. May you find all the delights of life, may your all dreams come true.
Wishing you
Lots of happiness and Lord Ganesha's Blessings on the auspicious occasion of
"Ganesh Chathruti".
Enjoy the festival
Advance Ganesh Chathruti wishes
Wishing you happiness as big as Ganesh’s appetite life is long as his trunk trouble as small as his mouse and moments as sweet as his laddus Sending you wishes on Ganesh Chaturthi!.
Ganapati – Lord of all Gods Alampata Infinite Lord Nideeshwaram bestowed of treasures and riches Eshan Putra Son of Lord Shiva Siddhidata giver of success Avighna remover of all difficulties and obstacles. May Lord Ganesha showers his finest blessings on you. Today and always.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi, Messages, Greetings, WhatsApp Status, Instagram Status
Reviewed by Mohammad Sharfuddin
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